Whether you’re on the shores of the East or West coast, you may be wondering if metal roofing or siding is suitable in your region. After all, the coast presents a variety of challenges — high speed winds, salty air, extreme weather conditions, and more. We’re diving into how metal panels will work in coastal regions.
Metal Panels & Coastal Regions
[fa icon="calendar'] 07/06/2021 / by Kaylee Beattie posted in Metal Siding, Metal Roofing, Coastal, Home Advice
Choosing a Roofing Solution for the Washington Coast
[fa icon="calendar'] 02/11/2019 / by Steve Collins posted in Metal Roofing, Colors, Sustainability, residential, Cool Roof, Coastal, Washington State, Home Advice
Washington state provides its residents with a wide range of climates to enjoy. From oceanfront cottages to mountain chalets and everything in between. Choosing the right roof for these climates varies greatly depending on your location. While most engineered metal roofing systems will hold up to the challenges every region will face, certain options provide better protection and savings than others.