This Memorial Day it’s important to reflect on the sacrifice thousands of men and women give every year to keep our country safe. At Bridger Steel we benefit from those sacrifices in many ways. Those sacrifices allow us to operate our business and sell steel to our customers. They allows us the freedom to hire qualified workers and provide well paying jobs to members of our communities. We are...
If you’re having metal delivered in and around Great Falls you might have the pleasure of meeting Nate Phinney, a jack-of-all-trades delivery driver who is just as comfortable backing a truck into a tight spot as he is bending trim for an order. Nate loves his job working with metal, but his real passion is baking cheese cakes with out-of-this-world flavors. His job and his passion have more...
When Adam Pulasky joined the team at Bridger Steel in the general production department he had fourteen years of blacksmithing under his belt, fashioning horse shoes, custom latches and signs for customers and friends. His attention to detail and experience working with metal made him an obvious choice for fabrication. Adam quickly learned how to weld and now makes custom pieces to support...