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Bridger Steel Project News, Highlights & Helpful Tips

Employee Stories: True and Square on the Job and In the Arena

06/24/2015 / by Katie Smith


When Adam Pulasky joined the team at Bridger Steel in the general production department he had fourteen years of blacksmithing under his belt, fashioning horse shoes, custom latches and signs for customers and friends.  His attention to detail and experience working with metal made him an obvious choice for fabrication.  Adam quickly learned how to weld and now makes custom pieces to support the production department.

Name: Adam Pulasky 
Job Title: Fabrication at Bridger Steel in Belgrade
Years at Bridger Steel: 1 year and 2 months
Passion: Team Roping

Adam takes care to make sure each peice is straight and in line.

 When Adam is not welding metal at Bridger Steel he turns his focus and attention to Team Roping on the Montana circuit.  Adam and his registered paint horse, Diesel, form one half of a two-man roping team that competes in rodeos across the state.  Since he began working as a fabricator he sports the Bridger Steel logo at every competition.

“I’m dedicated to both my job and team roping,” says Adam. “There is attention to detail in both.  Whether I’m honing my focus on the steer and my partner or metal, I have to make sure everything is true and square.” 

Team roping requires not only focus and timing, but also clear communication: between horse and rider and between the two members of the team.  Adam is the header, which means he must rope the front of the steer and position it for the heeler to rope the back legs.  All of this takes place between 5 and 20 seconds.  

 “You have to have teamwork; you have to watch out for each other.  The heeler has to make sure the steer is in the right place for the header and then the header has to do the same for the healer.  You just feed off one another.”


Adam's two daughters are his legacy.  He wants to pass on his work ethic and love of rodeo.

Like the steel Adam works with every day, he wants to create a legacy that lasts for his children.  “My legacy is my two daughters.  I want to teach them to be good role models and to work hard in their jobs and in their passions.  I want them to be dedicated to what they do.”

Adam’s dedication to Bridger Steel shows in the quality of his work and his ability to weld almost anything we need.  We are lucky to have him as an employee on the team in Belgrade, and every weekend we’re cheering him on at the rodeo.

If you're interested in becoming part of the Bridger Steel Team, take a look at our open careers page and send us a resume.


Written by Katie Smith