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Bridger Steel Project News, Highlights & Helpful Tips

Midwest Roofing Solutions

02/25/2020 / by Kaylee Beattie

The geography and climate across the midwestern states varies greatly. From plains and valleys to mountains and hills, each state in the midwest has their own unique set of needs when it comes to roofing. However, one thing all midwesterners need from their roof is performance.

First, Let’s Talk Midwest Weather & Climate

Midwestern residents experience quite the flux in weather throughout the year, although one thing can be certain: winters are brutal. In 2019, much of the midwest experienced below average temperatures in the winter months. With these bitter cold temperatures commonly experienced, it’s important to keep in mind that your roof needs to be able to withstand extreme temperature changes.

The midwest also experienced above average total precipitation throughout 2019. Some states, including North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin, experienced record-setting precipitation amounts, making 2019 their wettest year yet. Considering how much moisture your roof will undergo is another important factor in choosing the best midwest roof for your area.

Roofing Solutions in Minnesota & Great Lakes Region

With five states bordering the Great Lakes, one huge consideration for midwestern roofs is moisture — especially in Minnesota. The surrounding lakes increase the amount of moisture content in the air, resulting in heavy snowfall during the winter — also known as “lake effect” snow. Your roof needs to be able to withstand the lake effect snow the area commonly experiences. Metal roofing systems are an ideal choice for areas with large amounts of moisture.

One of Bridger Steel’s best roofing options for high-moisture areas are the Mechanical Lock series. These metal panels are part of the standing seam family, meaning they offer heavy duty protection against rain and snow — especially when they’re double seamed. Standing seam panels use hidden fasteners, which means the hardware used to secure the panels to the roofing substrate are hidden. This means you don’t have to worry about the screws and bolts rusting when heavy rain or snow inevitably arrives.

The standing seam series comes in a variety of different profiles and finishes so you never have to sacrifice the look you want for strength. Although, you may want to consider an aluminum base rather than a steel base to ensure your metal roof lasts as long as possible in your environment. Many of Bridger Steel’s colors and finishes are available in aluminum. Whatever you choose, just know that metal roofing systems provide substantial and unmatched protection against rain and snow.

Roofing in Midwest Plateau & Plains Regions

The great plains stretch across the midwest region. Strong winds and even tornadoes are commonly experienced in these flat areas because they lie at the base of the surrounding mountains and hills. Choosing a metal roofing option that’s able to withstand these winds is an extremely important consideration for the best midwest roof in these areas.

Bridger Steel has tested its roofing panels using the UL 580 Wind Uplift rating system against its metal roofing options. Our ⅞” Structural Corrugated roofing panel is rated at speeds up to 260 MPH. With a 22 gauge steel and exposed fastener system, this roofing panel is one of the toughest on the market. Its ability to withstand incredible strains and offer extreme protection make it a top choice among those living in the midwest who frequently experience strong winds.

Best Midwest Roof for Mountain & Hill Regions

From the Black Hills in South Dakota to the Ozarks in Missouri, midwest residents need to consider the climate effects these beautiful landmarks have on their roofing systems. Regions surrounding mountains and hills typically experience severe thunderstorms, fluctuating temperatures, and even hailstorms. Ensuring your midwest roof is able to handle these extreme types of weather is crucial to its lifetime.

Hail-resistant roofs are highly sought after in the midwest region, especially in the Black Hills area. Although there is not a 100% hail-resistant roofing option on the market, Bridger Steel’s Corrugated series and Tuff Rib panel come pretty close and offer unmatched protection. We recommend installing these metal roofing panels in 22, 24, or 26 gauge thickness in order to increase protection of your roof in hailstorms. The thicker the metal panel is, the better it will be able to resist punctures from hail damage. Corrugated panels are one of our more preferred options for hail roofing in the midwest, as their design is already naturally wavy so they can hide small imperfections more easily than other metal panels.

The fluctuating temperatures of the mountainous regions of the midwest also need to be carefully considered when choosing the best midwest roof for your area. If you live in a region that commonly experiences drastic decreases and increases in temperature, you may want to consider adding striations to your metal roof. When a metal panel expands and contracts from extreme temperature changes, it will likely result in oil canning. This is a visible distortion of metal panels that can be minimized by striations, which is a series of ridges or waves.

Regardless of the region you live in throughout the midwest, metal roofing is an amazing roofing choice. Metal roofs in the midwest can last between 40-70 years, and can withstand the extreme environments that frequently occur in these regions. Whether you need hail roofing in the Black Hills or moisture-protected roofing in Minnesota, Bridger Steel has it covered.

Reach out to one of our Product Specialists today to find the best midwest roof for your area. We’ll help you find the best roof for the midwest region in which you reside, from the specific panel profile you need to the color and finish you want.


Topics: Metal Roofing, Home Advice

Written by Kaylee Beattie